
'16 And Pregnant' Promote Or Discourage Teenage Pregnancy

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Do shows like “16 and pregnant” promote or discourage teenage pregnancy?

For many years teenage pregnancy has been a big problem in the united states. Teenage pregnancy is a serious issue that affect girls that have not reached the legal age of adulthood,it put their futures at halt and hinders them from accomplishing all they had planned for the future.In 2014 research showed that 249,078 teenagers get pregnant every year and most of these pregnancies were because of a lack of knowledge about contraception or availability of it. So shows like this encourage the use of contraception among young people and also tries to get neighbourhood clinics to provide them for young people.16 and pregnant is a show that was made to show the insight to …show more content…

This shows that since the premiering of the show “teenagers have learned that having a child comes with a lot of responsibility and stress(docterman)”, they've also seen that after having a child you have to give up alot,which most tenagers are not willing to do, it also showed some of the teens complaining about how much their “bodies were changing”and how much they had to “sacrifice just to make sure the baby is good”(victoria ). Another source claims that the show does is shows the insight of the drama and all of the conflicts teenage mothers face,like “the father of the child being absent because they are not ready to take on the responsibility of having a child”(Murphy ),this is very common among these teen moms and it often leads to conflicts with the family of the teenager.. I watched an episode of 16 and pregnant and it really made me think about all of the struggles that comes the teenage pregnancy. Like for example ,the episode i watched one of the teen moms was depressed because her mom isn't supportive,her dad told her she had to get out of his how and the babies father abandoned her. She ended up attempting suicide and it was just a lot to deal with ,any teenager who watches that will not want to go through the same so they do all they can to avoid it. I showed 5 of my teenage friends at different times 5 minute clips of the show and got their reactions. After showing the first person a clip of a day in the life of a teen mom of the show she was surprised about how much adjusting had to take place.and i asked her “after seeing this clip do you see teenage pregnancy the same way” she replied ,“i didn't know they had to go all that , i'm not willing to give up anything”. This represents the reply of the other four people interviewed the all were not willing to adjust to any baby at this point in their lives. This shows the impact this

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