
5dpp Cipd Tma

Decent Essays

CIPD Assessment Activity |Title of unit/s |Developing Professional Practice | |Unit No/s |5DPP | |Level |5 | |Credit value |4 | |Assessment method |Written report | |Learning …show more content…

| | |Explain the steps you would take, as project leader, to help your team work together effectively and how you would |2.1, 2.2 | |resolve any inter-personal conflicts. | | |Give at least two examples of how other people/team’s political behaviour in the organisation could impact on the | | |success of your project, and explain how you would apply the skills of influencing, persuading and negotiating to |2.1, 2.2 | |manage these situations and ensure your project stays on track. | | |Assuming that the project reveals several possible ideas for improving processes, explain how you will determine |2.1, 3.1 | |which of these to formally recommend to the CEO. | | | | |

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