
Three Day Plan Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Usually when someone wants to lose weight, they are eager to get it off as fast as possible. Waiting around for months for the pounds to drop away is not a pleasing thought and they want something to happen right now. Luckily, there are many different diet plans to lose weight fast that do give results.

A simple and fast regime is the three-day plan. If you need to lose less than ten pounds, this may work for you. The meals are simple and basic and focus on low-calories food. It does provide substitutes for foods you may not enjoy for ones you would, like tuna rather than cottage cheese or green beans rather than broccoli.

Seven-day plan - As the name suggests this plan last for seven days but what makes it unique is the all-you-can-eat factor. Each day you are given a menu of foods you can eat and then you are permitted to each as much as you want of them. A sample of the menu …show more content…

It has been around forever and is just as popular today for quick weight loss as it was decades ago. Grapefruit and protein make up the plan, because eaten together it is believed they speed up fat burning. You enjoy bacon, eggs, and lots of meat with this plan, as well as grapefruit.

Another regime that has been around forever is the cabbage soup one. You make a cabbage soup consisting of a selection of vegetables and then eat as much as you want of that for seven days. Each day you are allowed one other food like a fruit, vegetables, or meat. The main concept is the soup, because by eating it, you are burning more calories than you take in.

If you need to drop more than just a few pounds, a plan focusing on lots of protein may work for you. The Scarsdale plan was created by a doctor decades ago, but is still popular today. It lasts for two weeks that follows a meal plan. You do not have to measure or count calories. All you need to do is enjoy simple basic meals of meat and vegetables that fill you up and give you

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