
Summary: The Intention Of The Military Diet

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Don't go out and buy any new clothes for the next 21 days. Instead, get yourself on the military diet and lose 23 pounds of body fat and up to 4 inches off your waist and THEN go out and buy some clothes. That way, you won't waste your money buy clothes that are too big for you and you can buy some smaller clothes that will make you want to get out and show off your new body.

I know it sounds far-fetched, but it's not. The military diet can help you lose up to 2 pounds of body fat each day in a week and then almost a pound a day for the next 2 weeks. And you don't need to drink cayenne pepper to get these results! All you need to do is get on a science-based diet created by Brian Flatt that will have you feeling better than you've felt in …show more content…

It's worked for women in all stages of their life. But, there are some important things to know before you start the diet.

The Intention Of The Military Diet

Brian Flatt, the creator of the military diet, says his intention is for you to never have to buy another diet book again. The information found inside on diet, exercise, supplements, and mindset, should help you get off the weight loss hamster wheel once and for all.

As an added bonus, this diet is meant to help you lose weight rapidly. You will do this not with the calorie in and calorie out method. You will learn how to eat in a way that supports optimal health of your body, hormones, and metabolism.

If you haven't gained control over your weight yet, then this diet contains a ton of information you need to learn. Once you understand the science beyond calories, you will be free to eat foods you never thought you could eat before. You will also dump those foods that are interfering with your body's processes and causing you to gain weight.

What This Diet Will Really Do For …show more content…

That means you don't feel satisfied easily and you overeat, which makes it hard to lose weight and easy to gain weight.

The military diet will help you reduce inflammation in your body. It will also help you gain more control over those hunger hormones and other hormones that impact your weight one way or the other.

2. Boost Your Metabolism

It's true that your metabolism is affected by some non-controllable things. Your age, gender, and genetics all play a part in determining how well your metabolism works. But, as you will learn during this diet, there are things you can do to boost your metabolism.

The first way is through eating more protein. You will be required to eat quite a bit of protein on this diet. Protein has a high thermal effect, which means your body needs to use more energy, and your metabolism needs to work harder, in order to digest it.

You will also learn how to exercise in a way that boosts your metabolism. The fact is your current exercise routine could be hurting your metabolism, not helping

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