
A Research Study On The Social Sciences

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The Social Sciences consist of a variety of disciplines that aim to understand the behaviour, interactions and relationships between individuals and society. Social scientists conduct research in order to gain a deeper insight into the factors that affect individuals. They do so by using systematic methods of investigation that allow them to analyse and interpret their findings, and thus create a new theory of knowledge or expand upon the existing knowledge of a theory (Giddens & Sutton, 2013). Researchers may use a variety of processes that provide a solid and coherent structure to their research that ensures its validity and reliability. Choosing the right process will aid the researcher in better understanding the area of research and thus may allow them to apply their findings to the workings of the wider social world.
Irwin & Elley’s (2011) “Concerted Cultivation? Parenting Values, Education and Class Diversity, is a study into the effects of class diversity and parental values of the importance of modern child education, uses a mixed method of investigation. The research takes into account previous studies into class diversity and parental roles in children’s development and socialisation. The research question of the study is not made clear at the beginning of the article to suggest an aim as to what the study seeks to explain, though a hypothesis is offered within the findings of the study. The research also uses quantitative and qualitative data gathering

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