
Adopting Lean Thinking In Manchester Mental Health Liaison Service

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Salford Business School An exploratory study of the challenges of adopting Lean thinking in Manchester Mental Health Liaison Service Kwasi Boakye Student ID: @00095417 MSc Project Management Dissertation 2015/2016 Declaration Abstract Acknowledgements I would like to thank the entire Manchester Mental health A&E team, in particular the members who responded with the interviews. I would also thank my supervisor Subrahmaniam Krishnan Harihara for his constructive suggestions throughout the dissertation, especially during the conceptual stage of the topic. Also, I am grateful to my wife Christina Ntow for her support. My sincere appreciation goes to my parents Professor and Mrs Boakye for their encouragement. Also special thanks to my uncle, Dr. Emmanueal E Boakye and my brothers and Sister Mr F. K Awotwe, Emmanual and Ama Boakye. Finally, special thanks to my friends Nana Yaw Asante-Mensah and Daniel Morkla for their support throughout my life. Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ????????????????????????? 1.1 Background: About Manchester Mental Health Liaison Service????? 1.2 Problem Discussion and Justification???????????????. 1.3 Problem …show more content…

2.0 literature Review Although there seems to be limited publication on adoption of Lean thinking in hospital A & E departments, a lot of research articles appear in a variety of electronic sources in the field of adoption Lean thinking in health care in general. But because of their relationship, literature on Lean thinking in healthcare is in order. 2.1 Overview of the Lean

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