
Affecting Students By Flormaria Quinones: Motivating Students

Satisfactory Essays

“Motivating Students”
By Flormaria Quinones

Educators throughout the nation have become frustrated with the demand of how to encourage and motivate their students especially those that are not prepared academically and socially. In this case a student will generally display disruptive behavior, a lack of interest, and unrealistic ambitions. Once an educator is able to identify the different factors that affect a student’s motivation along with a few helpful strategies he or she will be able to create the educational motivation needed for effective student learning.
The fundamental aim of motivation within an educational environment is to essentially make certain that their students are continuously encouraged in order for them to complete any task effectively. The core significance of student motivational approaches is to aid an educator in boosting up student morale. An additional role of motivation is to ensure that even when students are facing a difficult time outside of school they are always encouraged to …show more content…

The affect is typically positive since it enhances a person’s level of energy, improves the endurance while accomplishing a particular goal along with improving a their thinking process. There are two types of motivation; extrinsic which is resolute by a person’s environmental surroundings and certain tasks. Intrinsic originates from a person’s consideration of how invaluable a task can be perceived. (Ormrod, J., 2014) As a result, when employing the influence that motivation has on the process of learning it is evident that people learn effectively based on how valuable they perceive the task, subject material, individual goals and a variety of other factors to be. Students are usually motivated by extrinsic elements whereas others maybe entirely motivated by intrinsic elements in either situation the information attained is of enormous value to them in order to achieve their

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