
African American Misconceptions Essay

Satisfactory Essays

According to Keim, some misconceptions are that they are culturally and evolutionally behind us. Also, that people living in Africa are living in the dark ages. This was even believed by African-Americans during this Dark Continent Era. They believed “in African backwardness… Because the general cultural climate in America promoted evolutionism… most were Christians and believed that most Africans, as non-Christians needed salvation. ” This is pretty alarming to me that everyone regardless of race for the most part bought into this way of thinking about an entire Continent, even if they disagreed on religions. There is this stereotype that Africa is in trouble or helpless and needs our help. People constantly come to Africa to help people that …show more content…

Also, because we thought they needed our help but in reality, we actually hindered their progress after they gained independence from being colonialized. The word tribe is erroneous and misused because it generalizes groups of people in Africa and their relation to each other. It also indorses division between African people and between us. Photography of Africa turns its lands with wild animals into big zoos which is only a small part of Africa. It makes its wild into profitable business ventures and endangers its animals with how domesticated it gets and how many people are there to hunt that are not from the continent. We constantly presume one society is and needs to be ahead or behind another but just thinking that all cultures are equal just different also does not fix evolutionism because this thinking recognizes that we’re in the same time in our advancement but not our shared history. All humans originated in Africa we may have different cultures based on where we live now and it is great to recognize that but it is also does a disservice to be afraid and not recognize the similarities and history we have with cultures that are different from

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