
Against School John Gatto Analysis

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There are many controversies that American public education system does more harm than good. In “Against School” by John Taylor Gatto and “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work” by Jean Anyon, explains how school education destructively impacts us. Gatto states his experience as a public school teacher and why he “just can't-do it anymore”. He was tired how the schooling was programmed. He argues how school system are affecting students to be more like “childlike” citizens. Also, Anyon demonstrates her research on how there are many different kinds of education depending what “class” you were. She informs us that there is an inequality in “Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work”. She tells us that this difference in …show more content…

They were in school, but not uneducated. They all rose up to success even if they never got an education through a twelve-year program. As a result, people have many ways to educate themselves.
As a matter of fact, our school education system was inherited by the Prussian culture.Gatto says it was “designed to produce mediocre intellects, to hamstring the inner life, to deny students appreciable leadership skills, and to ensure docile and incomplete citizens.” The school was a “revolution” throughout the era and how it was “factories of childishness in order to make sure children do not really grow up”. He explains how it “Divided children by subject, by age-grading, by constant rankings on the test, and by many other subtle means,...”. This is important because students are being separated and label to be imprisoned with others around them. This method encourages students not to think and it “left them sitting ducks”. This is significant as he demonstrates how our school is “turning our children into children”. In modern society, he symbolizes how our world is full of “children, happy to surrender our judgments and our wills to political exhortations and commercial blandishments that would insult actual adults”. For example, we are buying things we don’t really need, like how “We buy televisions, and then we buy the things we see on the television”. Overall, students are becoming like “servants” and will grow up to be lost adults. Schools are “

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