
Amazon Servant Leadership

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These organizational processes are often thought of as empowering employees, which is also characteristic of servant leadership. Servant Leadership can be defined as a behavior of putting followers first. Listening, empathy, healing, awareness, persuasion, conceptualization, foresight, stewardship, commitment to the growth of people and building a community are all characteristics of Servant Leadership (Northouse, 2016, p. 339). Bezos exhibited … interest in building relationships with his [new] followers and is willing to put forth the effort to make it happen. As we read Bezos’ letter, there is also an intrapersonal quality that tells us what is going on inside his head. His true self- knowledge, self-regulating behavior is an accurate …show more content…

Succinctly put, the lack of employee focus has been detrimental for the organizational culture of Amazon. Research shows that employees will overlook low compensation if they enjoy their work. However, Pliner argues that “…culture is a form of compensation… (2015)” and as such Amazon is struggling to keep employees satisfied in both arenas. Generally, one of the first qualifiers on a job search is with respects to monetary compensation, however, by its own accounts, Amazon would rather pass the savings on to its customers in lieu of increasing compensation. Comparative to other dot com businesses, Amazon’s employees are grossly underpaid or as Amazon would like to call it, compensation structures are ‘frugal.’ Other areas of frugality have employees paying for their own meals in the cafeteria; which is unheard of in American tech companies, which are in addition to overwhelming cuts in pension and health benefits. Not only is the compensation per employee low, but the employee count is arguably low with reports of small teams doing work that should be allocated to an exponential number of employees. In this way Amazon is once again able to pass savings on to the customer, but at what cost to its employees (Kunkle, 2017; Lahinsky, 2012; Upadhyaya, …show more content…

The recommendation is that the leadership at Amazon could expand to include a greater concern for the employee without sacrificing the motivation and drive that propels the company forward and also without removing focus from the customer. From our findings, Bezos is a leader that doesn’t raise much concern about employee well-being or satisfaction, something that most organizations strive to achieve. Companies with a goal of employee satisfaction have found that employees will work better and think more innovatively if they are happy. This would result in decreased burnout and less turnover. Amazon could foster lasting creativity by creating an environment where employees want to stay for many years through support and consideration. This is greatly preferred over extracting ideas from individuals under great stress and without regard to the ultimate

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