
An Explanation Of An Argument Against The Absurdity Of Thinking Essay

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Accepting a skeptical viewpoint would only lead us to a life of pure perspicuity.
Arguments against the absurdity of thinking that any source of knowledge or information when concluding a premise is thus circular and holds no weight as to the validity of said premise, showing that we must provide some type of justification, whether proven or otherwise to defend our opinions and conclude value for arguments. To accept this rationale would equate to accepting skepticism across all epistemic philosophical questioning, thus questioning any and all previous, current and future shared information. The reliability of sources in the context of
Comment [JB1]: You need a title
Comment [JB2]: Each of these sentences is taken, word for word, from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry on epistemic circularity, which is not cited as one of your sources.
Comment [JB3]: These sentences are also taken from the same Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry. These sentences are in quotation marks, which is better than presenting them unquoted. But you don’t give the source for the quotation.
Comment [JB4]: I don’t know what these sentences mean. hearsay is inarguable. Hearsay is a source, whether reliable or not depends on the source itself.
The source of one’s own knowledge, sense data, and various other means of gaining relevant information to build a foundation for our beliefs, is by definition, foundationalism. We must question only to a certain degree and allow

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