
Analysis Of Inside Job And The Big Short Story

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The assumed response to this is for the audience to really pay attention to what these celebrities are saying throughout the movie, as it is crucial to grasp an understanding for this type of financial terminology, as it leads the story. While both texts display a distinct stylistic approach, it is evident that Inside Job and The Big Short show similar ideas and perspectives regarding the causes and impacts of the global financial crisis.

Both directors for each text apply similar narration techniques between the two, however, the context itself is portrayed in a distinct way. Seeing that The Big Short is classified as a nonfictional film, it is not considered to be a typical feature long film, instead, it features similar ideas in terms …show more content…

Here’s world famous chef, Anthony Bourdain to explain.” (The Big Short, 2015). This is then followed by a high-profile celebrity, Anthony Bourdain to explain Collateralized Debt Obligations, as Gosling highlighted it is important to understand. Nonetheless, this breaking the fourth wall aspect in a sense can be viewed as a documentary, similar to Inside Job, however, McKay uses a unique style of portraying The Big Short in a quirky and comedic way, instead of the regular stylistic approach that is seen in Inside Job. Contrastingly, Inside Job consisted of one narrator, Matt Damon. This text follows the traditional style of storytelling through voice-over narration. What is significantly different from narration in The Big Short, is that in Inside Job, the narrator informs the audience in such a formal way, they’re almost expected to understand all the financial terminology described in this text, such as CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligation), Credit Default Swaps and ‘AAA’ rating. Moreover, everything Matt Damon states throughout the documentary is accompanied and backed up by multiple clips of footage which are overlaid. For instance, when the narrator discusses that unemployment levels in Iceland are tripling in just under six months, the camera executes numerous quick long shots of dormant buildings and work sites. Furthermore, as narration

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