
Hidden Meaning Of Jack From Lord Of The Flies

Decent Essays

Brandon Lawrence
3 October 2017
Character Analysis Hidden meaning can be found in many different places. They can be in poems, novels, murals, paintings, and even in everyday life. Hidden meanings are there to challenge the reader, to make them think and really analyze the work. In the case of the novel “The Lord of The Flies,” by William Golding, the hidden meaning comes to us in the form many of his characters. One of them is Jack. Jack started off like everyone else equal with power or a share of the things on the island. Later on he takes a group of the kids. Now there are two groups of the kids. Showing that sooner or later a group may later split into two groups and people will have to chose a side. Jack lead his …show more content…

Ralph is a good leader but most of the boys follow Jacks lead because of a few reasonings and one of them being that he can hunt and he provided them with food. Even though it was uncooked meat at least it was protein that needed. At this point in the book William Golding has been foreshadowing how the boys split into two “tribes”. One of them being Ralph and the other of course being Jack. Ralph is the nice and kind leader who wants to get off the island. Jack is the type of leader who rules with fear and power. His power as being able to provide meat for his people. “ “A fire! Make a faire!’’ At once half the boys were on their feet. Jack clamored among them, the conch forgotten. “Come on! Follow me!” The Space under the palm trees was full of noise and movement. Ralph Was on his feet too, shouting for quiet, but no one heard him. All at once the crowd swayed toward the island and was gone- following Jack.” (William Golding) Now right he is a prime example of how the kids don 't listen to Ralph anymore and they are turning towards Jack as their main leader. Jack has made the boys think that violence and harm is a way to live. They like it because to them it is fun, daring, and most of all it can be adventurous. This to the boys is way more fun then making up rules and following them like how Raph has been doing. There are a few boys that

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