
Ap World History Chapter 1 Summary

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I. Rome’s Creation of a Mediterranean Empire, 753- B.C.E. - 600 B.C.E.
A. A Republic of Farmers, 753 B.C.E. - 31 B.C.E.
- Research shows that Palatine Hill was occupied as early as 1000 B.C.E. and agriculture was an essential economic activity.
- Land ownership determined social status, political privilege, and more.
- Heads of wealthy families were members of the Senate, whom played a role in politics of the state.
- The Republic(official source of power) lasted from 507 to 31 B.C.E. and included an Assembly of male citizens, the wealthy man’s vote held at a higher significance that that of the poor man’s.
- The Senate was the real center of power and even though it was an advisory council. It made policy and governed, and brought together the state’s wealth, …show more content…

Plebeians pressured the patricians to make political concessions, one result being the publication of laws which served as a check on decisions by judicial officers. New officials and tribunes were created and were drawn from non-elite classes. They could veto or block actions the Assembly or officials that threatened lower order interests.
- In families, the oldest living male was the house head.
- patron/client relationship bound together individuals of different classes
-Rome accepted inequality as well as institutionalizing and turning it into a system of mutual benefits.
- Roman woman were constantly under absolute authority, but were less constrained then Greek women and overtime gained more economic freedom.
- Romans believed in many different deities and entities which were relevant to different goods and activities, including agriculture. These deities were given offerings as well as had sacrifices and rituals performed in their name by priests chosen from the aristocracy. In return, the gods were to favor the Roman state.
B. Expansion in Italy and the

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