
Apush Assignment 1 Analysis

Better Essays

Mrs. Ormsby
10 August 2015 APUSH Summer Assignment 2015
1a. According to Loewen’s introduction, high school students hate history because nobody expects much from it. Many people are bored of history because we already know the ending of all the textbook’s “stories.” The textbooks have a monotone voice, and are technically clones of each other. Apparently history professions do not even review the textbooks in order to check if they have any historical mistakes in them. Also the authors of the textbooks wrote in them like there are still no debates about any of the topics, so students are not meant to question history. The textbooks are written through “white eyes” so they are biased and full of nationalism. Textbooks do not include …show more content…

According to Loewen the “truths” about this subject should be taught to Americans. Christopher Columbus was actually the last person to “discover” the Americas, people forget about the so called Vikings, the Norse, and boats were not invented only when Columbus was alive. Also nobody ever measured the curiosity levels of people because that is impossible. There is no actual evidence that he was born in Genoa, Italy. The idea that the world is flat came in 1828 by Washington Irving. The Turks actually did not close off the routes; they were more welcome to the Jews and the Muslims than the Christians ever were. The voyage was actually about a month, and his crew did not threaten to throw him overboard. He absolutely knew that he found a new continent when he got there. Also Columbus’s goal was mainly conquest and not exploration. The Spanish even started the slave trade with the Native Americans! The Spanish abused the Natives, there were mass suicides, and epidemics from Europe even wiped out whole civilizations. Many textbooks leave out the military advances in technology to help with taking over the Americas, and they leave out how motivated everyone was to get rich. Sickness was a big factor for colonization too. Columbus was immediately appreciated at home with the help of the printing press and was very rich when he died.
d. 1. Explain why Loewen used the word efflorescence to describe the European and Native contact with each …show more content…

There are many lies traditionally taught to American children about Indians according to Loewen. Textbooks present Native Americans through white eyes. They take not the important from Native history but the unusual. Going back in time to how people got to the Americas, a land bridge called “Beringia” was exposed when the ocean levels were brought down so the people arrived on foot. They were obviously vaguely Neanderthalian, since they did not know they reached a new continent. Those who cultivated the land were peaceful, but those who hunted were very war like. When the Europeans came they introduced technology to the Indians, but slavery also began with the Natives being one of the colony’s first exports. Native American ideas helped us figure out democracy. But textbooks leave out many contributions the Native Americans brought to the modern world. Textbooks consider the Native’s warfare very savage. Later the Dutch bought Manhattan for a very good price of $24; it is not like they paid the wrong tribe, because textbooks should include that. Also Jefferson bought Louisiana from France which doubled the size of the US. The Natives were nomadic so they could move away into their own little state that was taken away from them anyways later on. Although anti-Indian racism has eased, we still portray them as savages who roamed the past

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