
Argumentative Essay: Guns On College Campuses

Decent Essays

Guns on College Campuses The modern world is a scary place. As technology advances and the world population grows we start to see a larger number of mass shootings. Some politicians say the only way to prevent these mass shootings is by disarming the public. I disagree, regardless of any laws or regulations a person that wants to obtain a firearm will obtain a firearm. It's been proven that areas with a higher concentration of firearms are safer, if defenseless people aren't getting killed there will be less pain, and if people can take on an active shooter with the same amount of firepower there will be less loss of life during these events. I feel with the proper firearms education school campuses could be made a lot safer than they currently are.
In Chicago Illinois strict gun laws prevent people from easily obtaining a firearm. However Chicago sees some of the most violent gang violence in the entire country. At the end of 2016 there had been 762 homicides in the chicago area. It’s obvious that these strict gun laws are not working. Gangs are still finding was to obtain firearms and continue to murder. Any restrictive gun laws obviously will make the situation in this country worse. I personally have not experienced severe gun violence and I feel that it correlates to the large amount of firearms that people own in …show more content…

I cannot imagine the pain of having a loved one's life taken by an active shooter. When it come down to it though what if your family member could defend themselves. According to National Rifle Association vice president Wayne LaPierre once said, “The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” It’s obvious that just asking an active shooter to put down his gun will simply not work. People must learn how to defend themselves in this increasingly dangerous world. Mourning the death of a loved one is definitely not fun, especially if it's to the hands of a

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