
Argumentative Essay: Women In The Draft

Decent Essays

Women in the Draft In the year of 1917, President Woodrow Wilson founded the United States Selective Service System. The federal government adopted the system to help build an army for America to enter World War I. All men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required by law to register for the draft within the first 30 days of their 18th birthday otherwise they will be penalized. Sociology expert, Geva, explains that although men were required to register for the draft there were some expectations: “Men with economic dependents, including a wife and or/children, would be deferred from the draft. This policy was variously applied until the draft ended in 1973” (Geva, 2) . This policy was enforced because at the time may women were not working …show more content…

In an event where emotions should be pushed aside and one must do what is best for their country, women may not be able to stand up and do whatever it takes. Often women react to situations based on impulse and do not take the time to thoroughly think a situation through without reacting. According to David Schmitt, sexual personality expert, “Most studies show women tend to score higher on the personality trait most closely associated with negative emotionality – neuroticism (Schmitt, 1). If women are often associated with neuroticism, which is a tendency to often be in a negative emotional state, having them involved in a war where the whole country is told to have wishes for a positive outcome one would rather have individuals with a positive outlook participating in the actual battling. When involved in a life or death situation the women would need to be strong to show the enemy that they are not as timid as they may think. In other countries, such as Iraq, the men view the women as object of ownership so, if they see that a woman in battle they are more likely to take advantage of her because they are viewed as weak. Therefore, women are more likely to be targeted and captured as

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