
Band-Aid Battle In The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison

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Band-Aid Battle Exposed. The gravel comes in contact with the knee grazing it ever so slightly, but just enough, to bring the crimson blood to percolate from the naked and raw flesh, just waiting to be infected. The older sister runs into the house in a stir of panic as she hears the abating cry of her little sister. She rushes into the medicine cabinet of the bathroom, gripping the box ever so tightly rushing back to a pool of tears sitting on her driveway. Hurriedly, she peels back the thin paper tab and pulls out the defense against unwanted parasites; pressing it against her sister’s dark skin. “It looks funny, it stands out”, the little girl complained. It was true, the ivory Band-Aid was prominent against her black complexion. “It's just the way society is” the older sister replied. Though extreme, the …show more content…

This tactic has been to cover up the wound, or pain, from being apparent to others. Unfortunately masking the wound with an ivory Band Aid on dark skin has the opposite effect. As for the lesion underneath, it can be interpreted as the tarnished self-perception of blacks. This same thinking is displayed by Toni Morrison and her rendition of black oppression in “The Bluest Eye” which emphasizes the hardships and hostile nature that aggrandizes subconscious prejudice towards blacks. Thus demonstrated by the character development leading up to the epiphany that Pecola reaches with the help of her brown eyes.
Even the title of the text “The Bluest Eye” manifests the overlooked contingency of black oppression, the title furtively holds a deeper meaning, the upperhand in society of whites. This white privilege in addition to in the novel, is can be found in the video where

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