
Bashar Al Assad Research Paper

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Bashar al Assad's Rise to Power.
As seen on television, Syria is in disarray and in the midst of a deadly conflict. This conflict did not appear out of nowhere. In fact, this Syrian Civil war is the result of a variety of historic and contemporary factors. In the middle of a grosme civil war, Syria is experiencing consistent intervention by world powers like the United States of America and Russia, a variety of human rights abuses and the ever growing threat of islamic extremist in the region. Too many political scientist and historians Due to foreign intervention, a political power vacuum, religious strafe and the Arab Spring it isn't surprising to political scientist and historians that all of these factors have contributed …show more content…

Towards the beginning of the cold war both the Americans and the Soviets had their crosshairs on the Middle East due to its geographical and resources as of which rendering the Middle East as a important asset. As the Soviets expanded their, territory the Americans implemented a strategy known as comainment which would consist of propping up capitalist governments funding insurgent groups and funding new markets. As the Americans assisted in the establishment of the Gulf Cooperation Council it also overthrew of the Iranian government. Moreover the soviets installed a Iraqi puppet regime, funded a fundamentalist Iranian government and backed the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party during the Syrian Crisis. .[David W. Lesch]. Moreover the Arab Baath Party was a national socialist party who placed a pro soviet Colonel in charge of the Syrian armed forces and scuff july pulled of a coup in 1963 thus putting All Thought the cold lasted 45 years its apparent that its effects may last a …show more content…

As of which when Hafez met his demise Bashar came outta of nowhere and was installed as the new leader of Syria. Even though the former dentist had no experience in leading a country he was a sign of new hope. As time passed it was apparent that Bashar was as cruel if not crueler than his father. Yet with this spontaneous introduction of power Bashar Al Assad during the Syrian Civil war he inserted his new found power by starving millions of his own citizens {Alex

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