
Beowulf Qualities Of Being A Hero

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A long long time ago there was a young man named Beowulf who was a monster's worst nightmare. He would destroy all monsters and stop at nothing. One day he and his men were called about to come to defeat a monster that Hrothgar(the king of the danes) and his people were having problems with. Through this brilliant story Beowulf shows many attributes to being a real hero. He’s extremely courageous and fearless. He seems to show very little fear and worry when he fights these monsters. One quality that Beowulf possesses is his unnatural strength. He shows that no matter how big or scary the monster is it will not be able to defeat him. He tells the townspeople great stories of him defeating five ginormous giants and killing sea serpents in the …show more content…

One quote that beowulf said was, “ Have gone by as fate willed,... As I knew how, sweary no unholy oaths, seeking no lying wars. I can die, here, knowing the lord of all life has never watched me wash my sword in blood born of my own family.” He strived to help and make sure that all the people were safe and no one was hurt. He may have failed a couple of times, but he showed the people not to give up. That together anything is possible. Together he leads himself and his men to victory against Grendel and Grendel’s mom. He showed great leadership skills to his people. Beowulf tried so hard to make him look like he was a leader that the Danes and Hrothgar could trust. They put their own lives into a stranger's hand because they felt he could lead them to victory and they would not have to stress about being killed or attacked anymore from then on out. In the end all of Beowulf’s great qualities came to an end when he died against the fight with the dragon. His age had gotten the best of him so he perished into the sea. His last couple of words were him wishing that he had a son to take over his position as king. Beowulf was and always will be one of the great heroes that saved the lives of many. He never wanted anything in return except for a monument built for him; in his name. His tales live on and as for him he would never be forgotten by the many he

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