
Catcher In The Rye Psychological Analysis

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Hook: When the mind protects itself from outside pain it uses multiple defense mechanisms according to Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytical theory. Intro to Holden: In J.D Salinger’s novel ,The Catcher and the Rye, Holden Caulfield, the protagonist, is shielding himself from all outside experiences that cause pain to his inner psyche. Claims:Holden having many repressed memories, shields himself using many mechanics in the Psychodynamic Theory also from Sigmund Freud. When the book begins Holden does not introduce himself instead he knows what the readers want to know from him as he tells us” ...will probably want to know where i was born and what my lousy childhood was like” but instead he tells us he is not going to “ … tell [us his] whole …show more content…

Freud compares one's superego as an Iceberg. The superego consists of the consciousness which is the “ the things that the child feels mum or dad will disapprove of or punish.”(Freud) Support Ev 2:In freud's psychoanalytical theory Holden is using the mechanism known as Reaction Formations , which is when one behaves in a way that is the opposite of one's true wishes or desires in order to keep these repressed.When Holden drops out of prestigious schools such as pencey he is using this as a way to remove himself from society as he tries to hide the ways he actually wants to feel. He wants to feel like he is someone in life and as a result he is unsuccessful according to Freud's Reaction Formations. Support Ev 3: Through dropping out of Schools he is showing his parents that he has issues that must be resolved. In a study done by The collection of Papers about 6% of students fail schools due to Personality issues. This includes repressed memories in which one has been neglected by their parents such as holden. Main 2:While Holden has been neglected by his parents for most of his life his social life has also been dragging him

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