
Comfort Zone Definition

Decent Essays

This is out of my comfort zone and yet a double standard at the same time since I have accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn that are current. Social media is out of my comfort zone because I have had a few bad experiences that impacted my private and personal life. In addition, my experience as an officer taught me to keep private life under lock and key and my social media life closely guarded. For professional and assignment purposes, my social media site example will be LinkedIn. To start off, the home page needs to be professional in nature. The all-encompassing purpose is to create a professional networking page. I will need to represent myself in a professional and honest light. My photo needs to be appropriately distanced …show more content…

This feature has power that I alone cannot generate. While I connect with others, others are looking at my profile and connecting with me. As a result of the recognition of endorsements by my network contacts, I may reach opportunities that would not be otherwise possible. Showcasing who I am will speak volumes on my behalf. Next, linking with companies that I am interested in or have been a part of will help boost my professional image. Once I have linked with the companies I want to follow, those companies will show up on my newsfeed. Electing to follow other helpful and informative groups or individuals that I have an interest in will also assist in displaying my varied interests and desire to improve and educate myself. My activity on LinkedIn should be regular with comments and posts on the companies and individuals that I follow. I need to keep my professional status current and compose posts regarding my professional ideas and goals. For example, this is an appropriate place to post my PowerPoint presentation from this class and any business related papers that I write. In doing so, a company or individual may review my work and offer to assist me in reaching my

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