
Company Motivational Profile Paper

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Company Motivational Profile Paper Microsoft Corporation is a worldwide industry with an annual income of more than $33 billion. Microsoft is more the then largest software and computer company in the world, they are a cultural phenomenon. At the company’s core they base themselves off of producing, developing, manufacturing, and licensing computers and software products. Some of these products include operating systems, server applications, business and consumer applications, developing tools and Internet software. This monster corporation is lead by Bill Gates, one of the world’s wealthiest men and business censor. This company has successfully placed at least one of their products in every home computer in the world. This feat …show more content…

The best way Microsoft creates their representation of the company is by constructing the path for future leaders. Microsoft as a company to become more resourceful has reorganized their structure twice. In 2005 to give the executives more power in Microsoft the company reorganized into three large business divisions. Then by 2009 Microsoft made a change in the organization by splitting the divisions into five product groups (Willis, 2010). Because Microsoft is a public corporation the shareholders vote for their board of directors. The board of directors is the ones that appoint the president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and top executives. As of today Steve Ballmer is the current CEO of Microsoft, and Bill Gates stays as the chairman. From Microsoft's structure they organize their divisions which focus on specific services. What makes each division proficient to the products of Microsoft is that they all have their own customer service, research, and development staff. The five divisions in Microsoft are Entertainment and Devices, Microsoft Business, Windows & Live Windows, Online Services, and Server Software (Willis, 2010). Each Microsoft division handles different areas regarding advertisement, Xbox, PC operating software, and business related software. This type of organization for Microsoft is expensive, but allows the divisions to

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