
Compare And Contrast The Han And Roman Empires

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Each empire has its own unique strengths and differences that aid in their emergence, growth, and decline. While there are many differences between empires, there are fundamental similarities that are common throughout every society. The Han, Mauryan, and Roman Empires all have different strengths and differences, but are fundamentally the empires are similar in their primary doctrines. Following the fall of the Qin Dynasty in 206 B.C.E., the Han Dynasty was founded by Liu Bang. Bang veered away from a policy of centralized power, and moved towards a system of power concentrating on the imperial court. The Han Dynasty adopted ideals from both Confucianism and Legalism. Additionally, the Han fostered the Silk Road, which allowed for long-distance trade and better communication among nations. The immense expansion of both foreign and domestic trade enabled the Han to prosper greatly. Furthermore, the addition of new technologies such as iron casting, textile manufacturing, and watermills allowed the Han economy to further advance itself. The leading factor of the decline of the Han Dynasty was its inability to restrict the power of wealthy clans who constructed large estates on vast areas of land and made tenants out of free farmers. This separation of classes caused the dynasty to destruct itself due to the fundamental weakness brought on by a lack of unity within the nation. In 324 B.C.E., Chandragupta Maurya created the Mauryan Empire. Like the Han, the

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