
Critical Thinking Application Essay Examples

Decent Essays

Throughout one’s lifetime, they will experience setbacks and obstacles, as well as some pivotal moments. In the process, they develop deep-rooted values and opinions which will overall create their personality traits. What I find interesting is the mind sharpens itself through culturalistic ideals and rituals a given society may deem relevant to them. Psychology is what lets me figure out the answers to the questions developed from my burning curiosities. Generally speaking, how we interpret the information is what shapes our worldview. Attending Lynn University as a graduate would allow me to mold my optical senses and offer me a sharp vision consisting of determination and focus.

To begin, what gravitated me towards attending Lynn University …show more content…

When we meet others who may be able to perform a simple task seemingly well, we feel threatened, and act through envy, hurting others in the process. Most importantly, we end up hurting ourselves, for trying to aim for perfection when it doesn’t exist. As I grew up, my aspirations of being the perfect student were met with unsatisfactory results. At one point, if I were to mess up for any reason, I felt there’d been no need to continue as I felt that I’d failed myself. However, the road to perfection became a narrow path to failure. Over time, I realized that it’s perfectly okay to make mistakes; that we have the ability to learn from them and take those lessons and apply them in the future. As I began to let go of any frustrations regarding not achieving as much as all of the others, I came to the conclusion that the only competition worth having is with myself. Learning to use my past self as a reason to become a better person. I aspire to attend Lynn University as a graduate student looking to further my knowledge and feed my many curiosities on the human mind and learn from how culture and context can bring about the set personalities of others and shape their

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