
Crm Systems : Marketing Strategy Using Extensive Data Mining

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Week 1:-
In today’s generation IT plays a very important role in every individual life. Individual are getting more inclination towards technology. So I prefer to play an important role as merging gaps between the technology and human being. As per my interest, I prefer to be an analyst of a customer relationship management. I find it interesting to convert customer necessity into creative technical aspects. CRM is an interaction with your customer to maximize your business profit.
CRM is technology used as proactive marketing strategies. CRM is used in customer centric business environment. CRM is used to track the customer behaviour and habits. CRM main objective is to retain the customer by providing the needful information to the …show more content…

In market there are many different technologies used to implement CRM. 2011). - It is the one of the very well know company for customer relationship management (CRM) product. According to Forbes magazine it is currently ranked as “American most innovative company “and “7th best company to work for” in Fortune magazine .It is Proprietary based service. It uses JAVA as programming language. It is based on cloud computing. MySQL is used in the database backend.
• Microsoft Dynamics CRM: CRM software developed by Microsoft. It is a web based application. It is developed on .NET framework. It can operate only on Windows platform. It provides SaaS and Proprietary based services. MySQl is used as database backend.
• Base CRM: It is a web-based application. It is one of the CRM software which is available on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. This company develop CRM software system which is mobile friendly. It is implemented Ruby on Rails. Database backend is in MySQL.
There are many more Vendors provide with CRM software like Oracle, SAP, CiviCRM,, EpesiCRM, Nutshell CRM, Odoo CRM, Pivotal CRM, SuiteCRM, SuperOfficeCRM, and many more
According to(Oliveira, 2013) the key feature of the CRM system :
• The Data Management process.
• Mutli-channel integration process.
• Strategic development Process.
• The value creation process.
• The performance assessment process.
• The information management process.

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