
Dakota Access Pipeline Case Study

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An old Sioux prophecy once stated that a black snake will cross the great Sioux land. The black snake would come at a great time of uncertainty and destroy the world as we know it. It also states the only way to stop this black snake is for the youth to come together and stop it. Many protestors, commonly referred as water protectors, believe this black snake has arrived in the form of the Dakota Access Pipeline. In the beginning of the year 2016 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a draft of it plan to approve the Dakota Access Pipeline route under the Missouri River. This has sparked controversy between the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and the company building the pipeline, Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners. This has led to many Native American gathering in protest against the pipeline. …show more content…

One major cause for the human rights violation at the Dakota Access Pipeline is the constant ignorance of Native American sovereignty. During the beginning process of the pipeline, the Standing Rock Sioux tribe was never contacted and informed about the pipeline. The company building the pipeline, Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners, claims they met with tribal leaders “many” times over the past couple of years. The Standing Rock …show more content…

White Anglo-Saxon once pushed the Native American people to the brink of extinction due to westward expansion. This ideology continues with the Dakota Access Pipeline because it takes away what little land the tribe has left. For this ideology to stop one must become educated about Native American history and their individual rights. Native American people must come together and fight this modern-day

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