
Diabetes Mellitus : A Type Of Diabetes

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Introduction Gestational Diabetes Mellitus is a type of diabetes that was first discovered during pregnancy. According to Canadian Diabetes Association (2015), three to twenty percent of women develop Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM). GDM is a result of increased insulin resistance or glucose intolerance. Incidence of GDM varies by age, body weight, and ethnicity. Canadian Diabetes Association (2015) mentioned that individuals who are at greater risk include women over 35 years of age, women who are obese, women with low physical activity, and women of Native, Aboriginal, Hispanic, South Asian, Asian and African heritage (Risk factors for gestational diabetes, para. 1). Infants of women with unmanaged gestational diabetes who fall under same risk group face problems like being fat at birth, blood glucose control problems after delivery and carry increased risk for diabetes later in life (What does gestational diabetes mean for my baby, para. 1). Management of GDM involves an individualized diet plan with physical exercise and the possibility of insulin. Special dietary need is required for women with GDM. Eating a healthy and balanced diet is significant in the clinical management of GDM. According to Thomaz de Lima et al. (2013), the macronutrient distribution for treatment of GDM is still unidentified (p. 1807). Nevertheless, the consumption of a healthy diet in its macronutrient distribution can help women with GDM to reduce weight. The recommended

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