
Differences Between Han China And Imperial Rome

Decent Essays

Political Control Over Han China and Imperial Rome

In the classical period of history, Imperial Rome and Han China were very similar in the way they maintained political control. However, there were also many ways in which they maintained control differently. Although the Han and the Roman empires used a strong military and infrastructure to maintain political control they differed when it came to slave labor and how slaves were used to maintain political control.
The first reason that the Romans and Han were similar in the way that they maintained political control was because they both used a strong military. A strong military showed leadership by the ruler by enforcing the law and protecting his land. In the case of the Han, they defended their land from multiple attacks from enemies such as the Xiongnu which showed their strength and power over the people which then led to them having great political control. On the other hand, with the Romans, they had a great leadership role from Caesar who was however back stabbed no pun intended. However, while Caesar was in control he ruled an army …show more content…

Throughout both empires, slaves were used to make technological advances and keep political control over the people. Slaves were used for such things as mining, housework, and farming. Rome believed in slave labor where slaves would do all of the excruciating work such as mining. This would help Rome to advance ahead with technology and make life easier which allowed political control to remain strong. However, in Han China, they relied on peasants. These peasants would be responsible for housework and fending for themselves; they were also typically lower class people. These peasants would not be used for technological advances as much as bettering agriculture and life for the people living there which would help maintain life and political

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