
Economic Impact of Genetic Engineering

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Genetic engineering (GE) is a recently developed technology that allows the alteration of the genetic make up of living organisms. This technology allows scientists not only to exchange genes from members of the same species, which is what farmers and nature has been doing through out history, but also the exchange of genes between completely separate species. For example genetic engendering allows scientists to insert the genes from a fish into a tomato, something that can never happen in nature. Many in the biotechnology industry claim that the recent advancements in this field of research will help solve many of the problems developing countries face. These claims have led to a massive increase in commercial growing of genetically …show more content…

The costs of GE seeds are too high for farmers from developing countries to implement their usage. The costs of implementing this technology will not be offset by the benefits that farmers in the US have received. Not only will farmers lose money, but unemployment, which is already a problem in many developing nations, will increase, as farmers need to hire less labor to produce the same amount of crops.

The high initial cost of purchasing GE seeds makes the technology more difficult to implement by poor farmers in less developed countries. As happened during the "green revolution" these small farmers would be forced to take out loans to buy this new technology, and if the technology does not deliver higher profits these farmers may lose their land.

Even if a technology was developed that would bring the cost of production down to or below that of existing production cost, there is the issue of consumer preference. The increasing debate over genetic engineering has created a substantial difference in perception of the risks and benefits involved with GE food. Governments around the world, most notably members of the European Union have places restrictions and bans on many GMO products. Many of these countries are considering putting labels on products with GMO ingredients. Considering that many developing countries' economies are highly dependant on agricultural export,

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