
Example Of Effective Negotiations

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Effective negotiation techniques are useful every day in different situations. For instance, effective negotiations can be effected in situations like in the workplace with colleagues, during a sales transaction or even within personal relationships. Alice has devoted herself to her work for the past 10 years. There is no question that throughout the years Alice has been considered a "rising star". It is important to highlight that Alice has acted professionally in many different ways. Despite her being upset for not getting the position of executive to lead the newly reorganized division she has recognized the great changes Jane (her new boss) has brought to the company. Alice has recognized her struggles since the updates in technology and the reorganization of her area, she appreciates that Jane recognizes the value she brings to the company, and that she has taken the time to create PIP plan to improve the areas that Alice is struggling in (SNHU 2016). With that being said, regardless if Alice gets fired or being placed on probation, she should walk in with confidence not show that she is nervous for what is about to come. Her body language can speak to her determination of keeping her job or not settling for the bare minimum of a severance package. Alice needs to be prepared with her ZOPA. Fisher and Ury conclude that "developing your BATNA thus not only enables you to determine what is a minimally acceptable agreement, it will probably raise that minimum”(Fisher, &

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