
Elder Wilson Relationship

Decent Essays

There is much to be said about this week, yet I don't want to take a lot of your time. I'll touch of some experiences and highlights.

First off, I am very greatful for your email. It helps to know that you are willing to help, and I really appreciate that. I had spoken with Elder Whittle this Thursday while on exchanges. We talked a lot and it gave me a bit of a different perspective. Though he wasn't sure what exactly to do. I will talk with both Elder Wiliams and Elder Whittle today during zone sports. I realize the need for companionship unity and to be submissive and humble in each relationship. I will continue to strive to do what the Lord asks of me, for I love Him with all my heart. I seek to do His will over my own. I only have a …show more content…

But Elder Wilson and I had an experience last night that was amazing! Over the past several months there has been a young man that I have been personally talked to on multiply occasions. He has seen and been through a lot in his life. I've felt somewhat connected and emphatic toward, because his struggles have been my own at a different point in my life. He, last night expressed a deep desire to be baptized and take the discussions. After much talking, and answering his questions. And for the first time in what seems like a long time. We taught according to the needs of this young man. The restoration has been everything he ha been looking for. He considers himself a "Mormon" already. But what we taught him seemed to be the foundation of a new faith. After a powerful recitation of the first vision by Elder Wilson. I had asked him, what he felt. He said, "fear to be honest." Following the promptings of the spirit we turned to Gal 5:22-23. Then I asked him to explain what he meant. He went on to say, that the peace, the joy and the happiness he felt made him scared. He's never felt that much power in a single statement in his life. And he knows just by the that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. And that this church is the only true church on the earth. (Side bar, he's a very logical person, likes physical proof.) So this scared him because he couldn't deny it, and he didn't need physical proof to know its true. By the end of the lesson, we was smiling and excited for our next lesson. We all kneeled and he offered the closing prayer. His prayer was truly powerful. How humble and meek were his words, it was as if God was in the room with us, and he was talking to him face to face. I left feeling nothing but love for this man, and edited to meet with him

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