
Electronic Cigarettes And Cigarette Smoking

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Tobacco cigarette smoking includes various physical associations such as hand and mouth motions, suckling, and taking cigarette breaks (Oh & Kacker, 2014). According to Patrounova, 2015, in comparison to other forms of nicotine replacement therapies, Electronic cigarettes satisfy smokers’ needs to fulfill certain smoking rituals. Electronic cigarettes may be able to quench certain urges and cravings due to its design, which can also assist in fulfilling the habitual dependence of smokers (Patrounova, 2015).
Smoking cessation is an incredibly difficult and repetitive endeavor, which has increased the motivation for developing effective nicotine replacement therapies. Electronic cigarettes have emerged as a new and popular method for smokers to attempt to reduce or quit smoking. Research indicates that there are benefits of using Electronic cigarettes rather than traditional cigarettes, some of which are obvious, such as they reduce the risk of starting a fire. Electronic cigarettes were designed to mimic the smoking experience by delivering nicotine without tar (Rom, et al. 2015). Based on various surveys conducted on Electronic cigarette smokers there appears to be a general belief that Electronic cigarettes are beneficial for smoking cessation and that this particular method of nicotine replacement therapy is less harmful for health than traditional cigarettes (Rom, et al. 2015). Ricardo Polosa (2015) investigated the effects of Electronic cigarettes on lung

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