
Essay On Cigarette Smoking

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Cigarette smoking is something people all over the world have been doing for about 2000 years. Back in 2003, the first electronic cigarette was successfully created by a gentleman named Hon Lik. Lik was a 52 year old pharmacist at the time, whom of which was also a smoker. The inspiration behind making the electronic cigarette came after Lik’s father passed away from lung cancer due to him also being a heavy smoker. “A Historical Timeline of Electronic Cigarettes.” Consumer Advocates for Smoke Free Alternatives Association, 15 June 2017. The idea behind creating this device was to give smokers a way to still ingest nicotine, the most addictive chemical in tobacco cigarettes, without the countless negative health effects that …show more content…

“E-cigarettes.” The Guardian, 4 Feb 2015, 17 June 2017. That would require you to vaporize more e-liquid than you breathe oxygen every day in order to equate to the toxicity level of smoking cigarettes.
Most e-liquids contain four simple ingredients: vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, food grade flavorings, and liquid nicotine concentrate. Vegetable glycerin, which is extracted from vegetable oil, is already being used in many different food products that we ingest on a regular basis. The primary use for it is to sweeten and maintain moisture, as it is hygroscopic. With vegetable glycerin having a natural sweet taste, its often used as a sugar substitute due to its lower calorie count. Propylene glycol is found in many well-known cosmetic products as well as a large number of processed food products. You can also find propylene glycol in many medications, serving as a way to help your body absorb chemicals more efficiently. “In past years, there has been concern on whether or not propylene glycol is a harmful substance to the body. No definitive answer has come up yet, but according to a fair amount of research, the effects of propylene glycol are rarely negative and generally

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