
Emerson History Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Ashleigh Ramsey Ramsey 1
AP U.S. History Third Hour
10 December 2014
Emerson's opinion on history in his essay “History” is thought provoking. Emerson often views history as a prevalent or “universal mind”. This universal mind is common and accessible to all men. History is often viewed as the record of the universal mind and is also contained in that universal mind. Therefore, Emerson is able to say, “Man is explicable by nothing less than all his history”. Emerson tends to believe in a certain relation between the hours of a lifetime and the centuries of the time itself. If one thinks history is something that happened in the past, one is mistaken. History is very similar to nature in a way. “It is the universal nature which gives worth to particular men and things.” In nature there is an endless variety of things, but …show more content…

Bringing historical to a personal level is a great way to make it relevant, and turn it from studying the dates to the actual ideas of the people and what they valued. A mans experiences in life are facts that he stores. Knowledge and one’s life experiences are better than looking it up in a book. An example of Emerson’s universal mind is when he says, “Of the Universal mind each individual man is one more incarnation.” This means that every man can contain their divine idiosyncrasy. All of their idiosyncrasies are divined by nature, not by their personal beliefs or choices. This interpretation is possible because there is within us the same motive that has came from other men's thought. We are able to understand their motives through our own understanding of the reactions to our

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