
College Admissions Essay: Is History Justified?

Decent Essays

It is my belief that those most passionate about a subject should be the ones teaching it. As a person who has always loved history I feel as if I firmly embody my earlier assertion. As well, I have always had a fondness for education and its vital place in the world. This is my primary inspiration for seeking a credential as my enthusiasm for the areas of history and teaching will continue to drive me to give my utmost effort. Unfortunately, history is a subject that will devolve, if taught by the disinterested, an endless slew of monotonous facts and maps. It shouldn't be this way. The best remembered history teachers are those that engaged the students and made them feel an active participant of the learning process. This is what I would set as my goal. To be a positive memory and do my best to make history fun as my teachers once did for me. …show more content…

Why is there racial tension and political dissension in America? Why did Russia feel its Crimean invasion was justifiable? How did China become an economic power? These questions are answered by a proper understanding of history, helping us to better comprehend the world of 2015. Education’s role needs to be thus: to prepare students as learned individuals and to exist in such an international community. This is why I think history is still incredibly relevant despite focusing on the

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