
Mkt/421 Week 4 Written Assignment

Satisfactory Essays


Age: 17

Time Zone: GMT

Languages Spoken: English

A little about yourself:
I am 17 and I study IT at College in the UK. I am supper nice and I love to play Minecraft. I have 7 dogs 6 Pugs and 1 cross bread, you can most likely tell I love pets. I am very good at screen sharing I SS people on para with my Staff Friend who lets me. I am new to playing HCF and not being staff so... I guess I cant play HCF! I am good at Trapping and that is about it. I also like long walks on the beach!
What server are you applying for?: Cobra

Why do you wanna join Viper?:
I am supper active on VIPER and I love the server. I hate seeing the staff get abused because of the fact that they cant keep up with the amount of people in the support waiting rooms. I try to help by being active on the Forums (old one) and I plan to keep it up. I know some staff don 't like to ban appeals and ban reports but I love doing it, I guess it is because I love being staff. I am a hard working person and I really want to become part of the Viper Team. I also want to join VIPER because I kinda want to be staff rather then play the server.

When did you join Viper?: I first joined viper 2 maps ago, but I really go into Viper this map (map6). It is bad of me to wait this long but... I was busy back then.

How will you benefit Viper and its community?:
I will be active on the forums, I will be on it when ever I can. This will help the community as that they will be able to get a answer to there post

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