
Evaluate Different Approaches To Recruitment And Selection

Decent Essays

1.3,NAD, UNIT13, Evaluate different approaches that may be used to ensure the selection of the best individuals for work in health and social care.
Recruitment is the process of generating a pool of capable people to apply for employment to an organisation.
Selection is the process by which managers and others use specific instruments to choose from a pool of applicants a person or persons’ most likely to succeed in the job or jobs given management goals and legal requirements.(
Recruitment and Selection are vital to the formation of a positive psychological contract, which offers the basis of administrative obligation and motivation.
The desirability and retaining of employees is part of the developing employment …show more content…

Competencies can be used to provide the behaviours needed at work to achieve the business strategy, and enable organisations to form a model of the kinds of employee it wishes to attract through recruitment.
The future costs of inducting and training new staff and costs of labour turnover if the selected staff are not retained. As in St. Margaret’s Nursing Home the HR Director is under pressure to increase staff retention in order to reduce future training and recruitment costs, she believes that the current recruitment and selection policies of St-Margaret’s Nursing Home are partly responsible for the turnover problem.
Principles that underlines the process of selection and the choice of techniques are two key principles;
Individual differences- attracting a wide choice of applicants will be of little use unless there is a measuring how people differ, i.e. intelligence, attitudes, social skills, psychological and physical characteristics, experience

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