
Genetically Modified Organisms

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Imagine living on a farm. It is cold most of the year, but for a few months you are able to grow some corn to feed your family, and occasionally if you are lucky you can sell it in town to make some money. It is hard work for what seems like a little reward. You must often deal with insects eating many of the corn stalks, and your corn doesn’t do well in cold temperatures, so you must harvest it before the cold weather starts again. You have to plow much of your field to plant this corn, and it takes much effort to look after it. Then a man gives you some seeds. He calls it genetically modified corn. You plant it and the next year and the year after that there is no need to worry about pest, because the pesticides you used no longer …show more content…

This would lower prices and scarcity of food has decreased. Allowing more people to afford the food and there would also be enough food to satisfy the demand, which would also decrease prices. This article also lets the reader know of the possibilities that GMOs can be used to prevent diseases by being infused with vaccines. They also may be able to remove the genes that trigger people’s allergies.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations also educates those who inquire about the potential disadvantages of GMOs. For instance there is no conclusive evidence one way or another if Modifying an organism can destabilize it. The long term effect of genetic modification could cause potential mutations that harm the plant and could in turn possibly harm the animal that consumes it. Genetically modified organisms could also breed with native species and create a lack of biological diversity on the planet because they would be damaging. This would happen because GMOs are hardy plants that take over native species. This invasive species could produce more food, but it has the potential to be detrimental to the environment as well. The invasive species would be a problem if something were to happen to the GMO that would make it inedible or kill it and get rid of a large portion of our food supply. Another potential harm that can come from genetically modified organisms is the possibility that an organism can be genetically modified to resist an antibiotic may

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