
Global Warming And Its Effects

Good Essays

Scarleth Garrido Ramos
Environmental Science
Professor Mahoney
Global Warming

Over the last few decades global warming has become one of the biggest environmental issues of all times. Every year, global warming gets worse and it’s affecting the way people live, it is affecting the atmosphere in general, and other living organisms in our planet. Global warming is the gradual and increasing rise of the overall temperature of the Earth caused by the greenhouse effect due to the increased levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. There are many variables that are to be blamed for the cause of global warming. Because of rapid growth of population, people started industrializing and revolutionizing the way we live. In order …show more content…

The ozone layer is the last layer on Earth that protect us from ultraviolet radiation of the sun. Because of the heavy use of many chemicals that harm the ozone layer in our daily lives, the ozone layer is becoming smaller and smaller every time. Aerosols in the environment also play an important role in the causes of global warming. Aerosols are chemicals inside a container that scientists eventually discovered that were affecting the ozone layer and contributing to its depletion. The burning of fossil fuels is a big cause for global warming. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources formed from many remains of living organisms from the past (Schuldt). Examples of fossil fuels are coal, oil and gas. These resources are vital for people because it is used in their daily lives and they are also used to create energy. These resources are nonrenewable, meaning that they cannot be reused. Because of this, they have been becoming more and scarcer, making it harder for future generations to benefit from them. When fossil fuels are burned, many toxic gases and pollutants such as carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere contributing to global warming (Zielinski). After the release of many toxic gases, the burning of fossil fuels, the greenhouse effect and greenhouses gases, ozone depletion and the cutting of many trees, the atmosphere is undergoing many changes and all these variables

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