
Global Warming In Florida

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Have you ever been to the hot state of Florida? If global warming is real, the whole world will be like Florida someday. Global warming is a problem that major social groups are arguing about whether it is real or not and whether it needs to be fixed or if nothing is wrong. Most scientists are known to believe in it while, stereotypically, conservatives think it's all a hoax. Global warming is a term used to describe the slow change in Earth’s overall temperature. This topic recently started being heavily recorded and studied by scientists. Politics started including it around the 1990’s. The boost of greenhouse gases caused by human burning of fossil fuels, industrial farming, and deforestation activities are what people tend to blame for …show more content…

A study shows that there was a 97% consensus among scientists who were interviewed said that global warming is caused by humans in 2015. The number is always changing considering the fact that there was a 100 percent consensus by 2004, with a percentage of 91 scientists in agreement in the beginning of 2014 with a 93 percent consensus by the end of 2014. (Friends) All of these scientists believe that global warming is being caused by and can be prevented by humans. They see that sea levels are rising because of melting ice caps, the number of immense wildfires is increasing along with the length of the wildfire season, droughts are becoming more severe, storms are becoming more extreme and common, and dangerous heat waves are becoming an issue. Sea levels rising dramatically increases the risk of flooding, especially in the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. East Coast. Similarly, more rain falls during the heaviest downpours, increasing the risk of flooding events even more with the temperature increase caused by climate change. Scientists see that climate change has significant implications for our health, including increased air pollution and a longer and more intense allergy …show more content…

Some small, day-to-day things you can do to help are finding alternatives to driving as much as possible, make energy efficiency a dominant factor when choosing appliances, turn lights off when not using them, recycle, use less water when cleaning yourself or your home, eat locally produced food, and more. Cars release high levels of carbon dioxide, so doing things like walking to work, carpooling, and riding on public transportation instead of driving yourself everywhere. The more energy you use, the more carbon you’re putting into the atmosphere so using energy efficient appliances, saving water, recycling, turning lights off when you don’t need them, and eating locally produced foods will reduce your carbon footprint. It takes a great deal of energy to ship foods from long distances; keep lights and household appliances running; and clean, distribute, and pump water through our homes. Some large things you can do are stop deforestation, get our elected leaders involved and fight misinformation. Deforestation is said to account for 10 percent of the world's “heat-trapping emissions” (Union) Both sides of the argument have seemingly legitimate arguments for why they’re right and the opposing side is wrong. Contrary to popular belief, not all scientists believe that global warming is real while some conservatives believe that

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