
Gmos Should Be Labeled

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Over the years genetically modified foods continue to be controversial topic in the realm of food safety and consumption while some argue that GMOs are safe, others are adamant they are detrimental to one's health. According to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; farmers grow corn, cotton, and potatoes without spraying the bacterial insecticide bacillus thuringiensis becauses the crops produce their own insecticides, by using GMOs. GMOs are genes from the DNA of one species are extracted artificially forced into the genes of an unrelated plant and animals.
Genetically Modified Organisms are organism made with engineered material with the goal of Improving the original organism. GMOs seeds are used in 90 percent of corn, soybeans and cotton grown in …show more content…

Around 93 percents believe Genetically Modified Food should be labelled. GMOs are still not required In the U.S and Canada, which bring us to a debate over the years whether Genetic Modified Food should be label or not In America and Canada, Until today this argument continues. Therefore If you are looking to buy healthier food avoid eating food that contains GMOs, look for label that specify that are “Organic” or “USDA Organic “ while GMOs benefits many farming industry, It also brings controversial negatives.
While scientist experiments are increased nutritional benefits or productivity, this two main traits have been added to date are herbicide tolerance and the ability of the plant to produce its own pesticide.Which results in no health benefit, only economic benefit. Vaccines, proteins and other pharmaceutical has been developed because of the use of molecular biology and which was a success. Scientist discoveries led to GMOs farmers to increase the use of weed killers while decreasing the use of pest

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