
Gun Control Not The Solution

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Guns do not kill people, people kill people. Gun control is a very controversial topic throughout the country. Some people think there needs to be stricter laws on gun control while others think there needs to be more lenient laws on gun control. Gun free zones are the most prone places to have mass shootings, college campuses being one of them. In an article titled, OPINION: Gun Control Not the Answer, by Garrett Marcel, a 21-year-old petroleum engineer from Houma Louisiana. He talks about his opinion on what needs to happen to prevent future mass shootings on college campuses and other school grounds. Marcel States, “Gun-free zones are only effective when every individual is screened before entering” (1). What he means by this is that gun free zones that are not screened is an open invitation to murderers for a mass shooting. Everyone within that gun-free zone has nothing to defend themselves from a gun, they are just sitting ducks. As stated by Marcel, “Honestly, to a criminal, gun-free zones are nothing more than a turkey shoot” (1). He believes that we need to rely on the citizens to carry firearms because law enforcement will never respond in time before the killing is done. In the article titled, The Word Weavers/The World Makers, by Neil Postman he talks about three verbal issues in today’s society, those being, definitions, questions, and metaphors. Metaphors can be used to describe something and can also be used to get a point across to an audience

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