
Why The Government Should Not Ban Guns

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Nearly 53% of identified shootings took place at elementary schools, and 47% took place on college or university campuses (Everytown). Over the past few years public shootings have gone up. With this long-standing debate people are reacting and saying guns cause these shootings. Guns do not kill people, people kill people. Not all people are bad in the world, that is why the government should not ban guns. Guns can keep people safe and make people feel safer.
In the 2nd amendment in the Bill of Rights, the founding fathers of America gave us the right to bear arms for self-defense. Everyone in America has the right to own a firearm, but you must have a concealed carry permit to bring a hidden handgun into a public areas. With people …show more content…

The state of Arizona is in the process of banning concealed carry in the state (Lipka). Over the past few years fatal shootings have happened at schools around the country. Teachers have been in these shootings and they could 've stopped the shooter if they were carrying. Arming and training teachers with self defense and handguns has become bigger thing over the years. Arming and training teachers can save students lives in the future if there is a school shooter (Henigan). Concealed carry can reduce crime. If citizens are armed on the streets and everywhere else and a shooting happens they can stop it. With this being said people won 't try to pull risky crimes because they know citizens have weapons. 1,197,704 violent crimes happen in America each year (Lott). Since 2007, the number of concealed handgun permits has soared from 4.6 million to over 12.8 million, and murder rates have fallen from 5.6 killings per 100,000 people to just 4.2, about a 25 percent drop (Washington TImes). Concealed carry is a constitutional right to citizens of the U.S. for the right to bear arms. People who support of concealed carry law say that criminals are less likely to attack someone they believe to be armed. It is set in stone that Americans have the right to bear arms. This should not be any different nowadays that violence and crime rates are going through the roof (Henigan). Would you feel safer sitting next to someone carrying a gun? Many people say no to that question for

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