
Happiness Vs Happiness

Decent Essays

Is happiness a choice or a feeling? Happiness is the quality or state of being happy. Misery besieges a person that chose to let worldly things affect happiness. It’s much more than just an adjective. The array of opportunities it can bring leaves most people pondering as to why they haven’t accustomed themselves to it all along. Happiness is a mixture of a number of different emotions including excitement, anticipation, and love. Although happiness consists of these things, today's world is the complete opposite. Our society is: violent, greedy, and inconsiderate.. As saddening as it may sound, this causes widespread depression. I truly believe most of our population isn’t happy. Mentally weak people acclimatize to the negativity that goes on in today's world and suffer from it. Wealth doesn’t personify happiness. Money can buy you an immense amount of things, but not happiness. Some of the most affluent people in the world have ended up miserable. Marilyn Monroe had everything a woman could possibly want in life, but she wasn’t happy with herself. Happiness isn’t based upon someone else's actions towards you. Another person's wrongdoings should never barter with one's happiness. Having immense amounts of power isn’t happiness. The satisfaction of working mutually with a group of people far surpasses that of which doing something individually. The greed that can come out of having too much power can only advocate other negative emotions. Living is something everybody does

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