
Healthcar Healthcare

Satisfactory Essays

During the group work in the course it was apparent that a few traits stood out that would help a leader effectively lead the team. First, the leader must understand the project and be able to communicate that to the team members to improve commitment and ensure quality. Second, the team should have common goals as we set forth in our team charter. This provides measurable metrics which will help identify if the team is effective. Third, accountability is a priority from the very beginning. Everyone needs to know their part and the consequences if they are unable to meet the expectations set out by the group. Lastly, the leader must be able to create an environment of open communication to enable team members to give and receive feedback that will enhance the quality of the project. …show more content…

There are several traits and strengths that these leaders will need for individual and the organizations to be successful. These future leaders will need to be independent thinkers that can bring fresh solutions to this new emerging healthcare market to help improve patient outcomes. In these changes, leaders will also need to understand value-based and be passionate about serving the needs of the customers, the patients. The future will require leaders to be able to motive and inspire others to achieve common goals. As population management grows and compensations methods change, healthcare leaders will need to be change leaders and create a change culture within organizations. Finally, healthcare leaders of the future will need to be able to find ways to cut budgets and be lean without sacrificing

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