
History Is A Lie Patricia Hampl Summary

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History is made of memories, and memories are lies. Does that mean History is a lie? Not exactly. Patricia Hampl holds the opinion that memories are not completely true at first glance, and you could get some facts wrong the first time. Only after jotting down all relevant information, looking at that event in your life with such scrutiny that you remember more details and see that the first time will you see that you got some of it wrong. It is only by extension that we can see history being a “lie”, well more of a half-truth, but only when the first or second-person accounts of historical events aren’t properly looked over and nurtured. Hampl establishes a relationship of trust with a relatable first person narrative in the start of Memory and Imagination, she then moves on to destroy and rebuild that newborn relationship by exposing the mistruths in the memoir then explaining her reasoning. Credibility is Hampl’s tool to show readers that you need memory and imagination working interchangeably to write a memoir, proper recollection of past information, and that credibility itself serves as the substrate of truth in all forms of history.
For clarification reasons, I must admit that when I say “History” I don’t solely mean four-hundred plus years ago. Think of history as everything from a minute ago to the end of …show more content…

However this makes a reader wonder where the line is drawn between enhancing a story and falsifying history. Hampl referenced a noble prize winner in saying that the number of books denying the existence of Nazi death camps exceeds 100 in 1980. Is what we remember what actually happened? Where is the line between reality, remembrance, and fabrication? “The function of memory” Hampl claims “…is intensely personal and surprisingly

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