
How Did Slavery Cause The Civil War

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A Nation Departed by Slavery
I Introduction
There have been many issues that lead to the outbreak of the Civil War. Many people believe that events, such as the election of Abraham Lincoln or the attack on Fort Sumter, were the primary cause of the Civil War. However, the key issue that lead to the Civil War was the debate over the future of slavery in the United States. The dispute of slavery led to the secession of the south in 1860 and would then eventually spiral into the Civil War in 1861. Therefore, slavery was the primary cause of the Civil War because it caused the nation to split into two sides.
II Background Information There is only one primary reason why slavery was such a dilemma between the north and the south side of the United States. As a …show more content…

Some would say that the Civil War was caused by the attack on Fort Sumter on April 10 1861. Furthermore, let's look at the series of events that lead to the attack on Fort Sumter. The first reason why there was an attack on Fort Sumter was because of the secession of the South from the union. It is easy to say that if the south hadn’t split from the union there wouldn’t an attack on Fort Sumter because why would the country attack itself? Let's examine why the south departed from the union. The south Seceded from the union because of two reasons. First, the south felt threatened by the growing number of free slave states joining the union and feared that slavery would become out ruled. Second, the south feared that president Abraham Lincoln was going to ban slavery through the country. While examining the events that lead to the attack on Fort Sumter we can see that all the causes and events that led to the Civil War revolved around slavery. For example, the secession of the south was caused by the south’s fear of the ban on

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