
Slavery Was The Primary Cause Of The Civil War Essay

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While it is certainly simple to attribute the start of the Civil War solely on the issue of slavery, the issues run much deeper. Even though slavery is one of the underlying causes of the American Civil War, issues regarding political and economic differences are also to blame for the start of the war. However, many of these problems that caused the country to split had their roots in the problem of slavery.
In order to fully understand the causes of the American Civil War, one must first understand what initially caused the southern states to secede. While all of the states in the Confederacy wrote what each state called its “Article of Secession,” four states made additional documents, explain their reasons for leaving the Union. Texas, Georgia, South Carolina, and Mississippi expound upon these reasons in their “Declaration of Causes” (Pierce). In analyzing these documents, one can better comprehend what the South was fighting for. Each of the four states focused much of their writing on the issue of slavery. While some of the states mentioned problems with the military, economics, and states’ rights, all of them made clear that they wanted to defend slavery (Pierce). So, if slavery was the primary cause for the secession of the southern states, then it has to be the primary cause of the ensuing war, as well. Gordon Leidner explains “…was the war about slavery? Of course. If there had been no disagreement over the issue of slavery, the South would probably not have

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