
How Do People Learn Their Workplace?

Decent Essays

How do people learn in their workplaces? That was a question in my mind while driving to the Jeddah Refinery where I had my first exposure to a workplace as an intern in 1998. I realized through that experience the difference between classroom learning and workplace learning. Since then, I have been interested in workplace learning as a lively topic throughout various stages in my career. I am currently work as a learning and staff development specialist. This job requires a set of roles and responsibilities like identifying the development needs of the staff of IDB, as well planning and managing training programs and workplace learning activities.
Moreover, I would like to highlight that one of the interesting roles assigned to me was managing the internship program open to students and fresh graduates to get exposure to organizational work and activities and get some practical experience related to their academic fields of study.
My interest in the area of workplace learning and workforce development as a chosen career path is increasing, and I am encouraged to pursue an opportunity for professional development and growth. By joining a graduate program at a reputable university to learn more about the concepts and principles of this field of study, I truly agree with how you described as an applied discipline that requires combination between academic research and insights coming from hands-on experience and practical application in actual work environments. Therefore,

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